Generational Wealth ‘Curse’ Is Causing 90% of Families To Run Out of Money — How To Beat the Odds

Generational wealth, often envisaged as a blessing, has been paradoxically termed as the ‘curse’ due to the startling statistic that up to 90% of families deplete their inherited wealth by the third generation. This phenomenon, known as “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” hints at the potential pitfalls accompanying inherited wealth. So, what propels this rapid dissipation, and how can families position themselves differently?


Understanding the Generational Wealth ‘Curse’

Firstly, understanding the crux of this ‘curse’ necessitates a multi-faceted approach. It’s not just about money mismanagement but involves a gamut of factors:

Loss of Wealth Appreciation:

Wealth appreciation is not merely about the increase in the monetary value of assets but also about understanding and respecting the source of that wealth. The journey to amassing fortune often starts with an initial generation dedicating life to building, innovating, and overcoming numerous obstacles. That generation witnesses the value of every dollar earned, risk taken, and sacrifice made. Its relationship with money is forged in the crucible of effort and persistence.

The next generation, although beneficiaries of this hard-earned wealth, have a more distant relationship with it. While its grown up observing the dedication of the previous generation, it may not have been a direct part of the struggle. This observational understanding sometimes leads to a conservative approach to wealth. They respect the fortune, often focusing on preserving rather than multiplying it, sometimes lacking the entrepreneurial fire or willingness to take financial risks.

By the time we the third generation is reached, the wealth’s origin story might sound like a distant tale from a bygone era. The emotional connection and firsthand experience with the wealth’s origins have waned, making it easier for it to be taken granted. This detachment, coupled with potential indulgences afforded by the cushion of wealth, often leads to less informed financial decisions, culminating in possible mismanagement.


Lack of Financial Literacy:

Financial literacy, the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing, is crucial for preserving and growing wealth. Unfortunately, even though one generation excels at it, the next may not grasp these concepts. Financial literacy is like language; it can be recovered if spoken and taught regularly.

Imagine inheriting a vast, complex machine you cannot operate. The chances of mishandling or damaging it are high without the manual or knowledge. This is akin to inheriting substantial wealth without the skills to manage it. Generations inheriting wealth without these skills are at a significant disadvantage, often leading to uninformed decisions, missed opportunities, or falling prey to financial scams.

For wealth to be sustained, each generation must be educated about financial principles, market dynamics, and investment strategies, ensuring they are not just passive beneficiaries but active stewards of the legacy.


Family Conflicts:

Wealth, in its essence, is a magnifier. It can amplify comforts, opportunities, and, sadly, also disputes. While money itself is neutral, our relationship with it, especially within the complex dynamics of a family, is anything but straightforward. A significant fortune can sow seeds of mistrust, envy, and competition among family members, especially if there’s ambiguity about its distribution or management.

When discussing inheritance distribution or the succession of a family-owned business, we’re not merely discussing assets; we’re delving into emotions, perceived self-worth, and legacies. These underlying emotions can erupt into full-blown conflicts without a clear roadmap, open communication channels, or a shared vision.

Disagreements can spiral into legal confrontations, with family members pitted against each other, causing emotional rifts and draining the wealth being fought over. Besides the immediate financial implications, such disputes can tarnish family reputations, disrupt businesses, and sever familial bonds for generations. Proactive communication, legal safeguards, and sometimes mediation or counseling become essential to navigating these treacherous waters.


Generational Wealth and Taxing the Rich

The topic of generational wealth and the taxation of the wealthy can be deeply divisive and intricate, touching on issues of economics, societal equity, and public policy. Here, we’ll explore what generational wealth means, why it’s controversial, and how the debate about taxing the affluent is tied into these discussions.


Generational Wealth

Definition: Generational wealth refers to the assets passed down from generation to generation. This can include money, property, businesses, stocks, and other assets. Families with significant generational wealth have the means and structures—trusts, businesses, and investments—that can perpetuate and even grow this wealth over decades or even centuries.

Implications: Such wealth provides immense advantages to beneficiaries. Beyond financial comfort, it often translates into better educational opportunities, access to influential networks, and a cushion against financial downturns. While these benefits are undeniably positive for those who receive them, they also contribute to systemic inequalities. Over time, families with generational wealth can accumulate assets and power, often at a rate that outpaces other segments of the population.


Taxing the Wealth

In his book, “A Taxing Problem. The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System”, Dr. Mitch explores the following issues in greater depth, answering all the arguments pro and con that have been presented to him over the years.  For more information about the book and to access how it can be acquired in various formats, go to


The Argument for:

  1. Redistribution of Wealth: In progressive tax systems, the wealthy pay progressively more than others.  But, the question becomes, more of what.  Traditionally the answer has been a higher percentage of their income in taxes. But it has become abundantly clear that the income tax code provides so many loopholes that it has ceased becoming sufficiently progressive.  In fact, understanding that income earned from labor is also taxed with social security taxes, disability taxes, and unemployment taxes which cease to be charged against incomes that exceed a certain amount, as of this writing about $160,000 of income from labor, those who earn incomes above that amount wind up paying a lower percentage of their income overall as compared to those that earn less.  By taxing the rich more heavily, governments can raise significant revenue, which can then be used to fund social programs, public infrastructure, and other initiatives that benefit the wider population.
  2. Diminishing Marginal Utility of Money: An extra thousand dollars means much more to someone living in poverty than to a millionaire. By taxing the wealthy at higher rates, governments can use those funds in ways that produce a greater overall societal benefit.
  3. Combatting Wealth Accumulation: Over time, significant wealth can lead to disproportionate power in the hands of a few. Progressive taxation checks against the unchecked accumulation of wealth and power.

Generational wealth and the taxation debate are intertwined. Critics of generational wealth view progressive taxation as a tool to level the playing field, ensuring that everyone has a fair shot at success regardless of their family background.

The discussion around generational wealth and taxing the rich concerns more than just numbers on a ledger. It reflects societal values, beliefs about economic growth, and views on equity and justice. Like many complex issues, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, understanding the nuances and implications of each side can lead to more informed policy decisions and a more equitable future for all.  For a deeper discussion and analysis, get and read or download and listen to , “A Taxing Problem. The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System”,


Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Preserve Generational Wealth

If you have generational wealth to pass on, here are some suggested strategies to do so successfully. Overcoming the generational wealth curse requires both financial strategy and fostering a legacy mindset. Here are strategies to consider:


Financial Education:

While the adage claims money can’t buy happiness, understanding it can pave the way to a more secure and informed future. The cornerstone of generational wealth preservation begins with financial education. While only some family members might be cut out for the intricacies of hedge funds or derivatives, the basics of finance are essential. Savings, the miracle of compound interest, understanding debt, and the basics of investment should be as familiar as family tales. Consider introducing structured financial courses or workshops as part of growing up, ensuring that younger members do so with knowledge and confidence when they inherit or manage wealth.


Open Communication:

Money, for many families, remains a taboo topic. But in families aiming to sustain wealth across generations, open dialogues about money are not just beneficial; they’re crucial. Regular family meetings provide platforms for discussing the family’s financial health, aspirations, and potential pitfalls. Such transparent environments deter secrecy and potential misunderstandings, ensuring everyone is on the same financial page and working collaboratively.


Professional Guidance:

No matter how well-versed family members are, the financial landscape is ever evolving. Enlisting professionals—financial advisors, tax specialists, or estate planners—provides an external, unbiased perspective. These experts can offer insights on burgeoning investment opportunities, tax-saving methods, and strategies to safeguard the family’s wealth from unforeseen circumstances. Should the fair tax system ever be enacted, the need for tax-savings methods advice will disappear.



The financial world is rife with tales of fortunes made—and lost—on singular bets. To navigate the unpredictability of markets and industries, diversification is key. Splitting family wealth across various asset classes, geographies, and sectors ensures that even if one segment faces a downturn, others could offer stability or growth.


Instilling Work Ethics:

Wealth, when handed on a silver platter, can lead to complacency. Encouraging those in the younger generation to earn their stripes through entrepreneurship, internships, or traditional jobs instills a sense of value for money. This real-world experience can foster a deeper respect for the family fortune and the diligence it took to accumulate.


Clear Succession Planning:

Many family empires have seen their downfall due to ambiguous or non-existent succession plans. If the family’s assets are tied to a business, delineating clear lines of succession is paramount. It’s about naming successors and ensuring they’re groomed, mentored, and truly equipped to steer the ship when the time comes.



Wealth comes with the power to effect change. Philanthropic ventures, be it through charities, foundations, or community service, offer a dual advantage. They provide family members with a humbling perspective and ensure that a portion of the family’s resources aid societal progression. It reinforces the idea that with great wealth comes great responsibility.


Establishing Trusts:

Trusts are more than just legal entities. They’re a shield, ensuring the family’s assets are managed and distributed per the family’s vision. Whether protecting assets from potential creditors or ensuring they are used judiciously, trusts can play an instrumental role in long-term wealth preservation.


Review and Adapt:

In the financial realm, stagnation can lead to regression. With changing global economies, emerging technologies, and fluctuating markets, it’s vital to reassess the family’s financial strategies continually. Regular reviews ensure the family isn’t merely reacting to global shifts but proactively planning for them.


Documenting Family History:

Stories hold power. Documenting the family saga’s challenges, triumphs, and lessons serves dual purposes. It offers a tangible connection to the past, ensuring younger generations understand and respect their legacy. Moreover, these chronicles underscore the values, ethics, and principles that guided the family’s journey, serving as a blueprint for future custodians of the family fortune.



The generational wealth ‘curse’ is more of a cautionary tale than an inescapable fate. It underscores the importance of amassing wealth and preserving and nurturing it responsibly. Families can sidestep the traditional third-generation pitfall by acknowledging potential pitfalls, actively educating family members, and implementing robust financial strategies. It’s about forging a legacy that stands the test of time, ensuring that wealth serves not just as a material inheritance but as a beacon guiding future generations toward responsible stewardship and prosperity.