The Growing Wealth Gap: A Problem for the United States

A startling statistic was highlighted in a recent article by Daniel de Visé for USA TODAY: the top 1% of American earners now control more wealth than the nation’s entire middle class. This statement, backed by Federal Reserve statistics, puts into perspective the staggering level of wealth inequality in the United States. This blog post dissects why this trend is problematic and argues why the U.S. needs a new tax system, as Dr. Mitch advocates in his new book, “A Taxing Problem: A Psychologist’s Prescription to a Just Tax System.”


The Current Scenario

According to the article, the top 1% of earners hold a colossal 26.5% of the nation’s wealth, surpassing the combined wealth of the middle class. This middle class, often revered as the backbone of American society, is defined as the middle 60% of households by income. The contrast is even more stark than the bottom 20% of earners, who own just about 3% of the wealth.

Expanding on the issues caused by the extreme concentration of wealth requires a deeper exploration into each identified problem: economic imbalance, reduced opportunities, and social unrest. This expanded analysis will delve into these issues’ nuances and broader implications.

Economic Imbalance

  1. Concentration of Economic Power: With more wealth, the top 1% also gain disproportionate economic influence. This can lead to policies and economic decisions favoring the wealthy, further exacerbating the imbalance.
  2. Impact on Consumer Spending: The middle and lower classes make up significant consumer spending. When these groups have less disposable income, it can lead to reduced consumer spending, which is a key driver of economic growth.
  3. Widening Income Gap: The increasing wealth of the top 1% exacerbates the income gap. This gap is not just a number; it reflects a growing disparity in living standards and access to basic needs. The rich can afford better healthcare, education, and housing, leading to longer, healthier, and more productive lives.


Reduced Opportunities

  1. Challenges in Entrepreneurship: Starting a business requires capital, which is increasingly difficult for those not already wealthy. This situation stifles innovation and entrepreneurship, traditionally key economic growth and mobility drivers.
  2. Job Market Polarization: The job market is increasingly polarized, with high-paying jobs requiring advanced skills and low-paying jobs offering little security and growth. The middle-class jobs that once formed the backbone of the economy are diminishing.
  3. Limited Investment Opportunities: Investment in assets like real estate and stocks is often seen as a pathway to wealth accumulation. However, this requires disposable income and financial literacy, less accessible to the middle and lower classes.
  4. The barrier to Education and Skill Development: Quality education and skill development are crucial for upward mobility. However, the rising cost of education and the lack of resources in lower-income areas create barriers that prevent many from acquiring the skills needed to advance economically.


Social Unrest

  1. Cultural and Social Divide: A significant wealth gap can lead to a cultural divide, where the rich and poor live in entirely different realities. This can erode the sense of community and common purpose essential for a cohesive society.
  2. Impact on Democracy: Economic inequality can lead to political inequality, where the wealthy have more influence over political decisions. This undermines the democratic process and can lead to policies that further the interests of the wealthy over the common good.
  3. Increased Crime and Social Problems: History shows that extreme wealth disparity can lead to increased crime rates and other social problems as people struggle to meet their basic needs or express their frustration and despair.
  4. Perception of Inequality: The visible disparity in wealth and lifestyle can lead to a perception of inequality, even if absolute poverty levels are low. This perception is enough to fuel dissatisfaction and unrest.


Broader Implications

  1. Economic Instability: Over the long term, extreme wealth concentration can lead to economic instability. If most of the population has insufficient purchasing power, it can lead to economic downturns.
  2. Global Impact: In a globalized world, the economic imbalances in one country can have worldwide effects. The concentration of wealth in the U.S. can impact global markets and economic dynamics.
  3. Sustainability Concerns: Extreme wealth concentration can also lead to unsustainable resource use and environmental impact, as the wealthy’s consumption patterns often have a larger carbon footprint.


Moving Forward

Addressing these issues requires a multi-faceted approach, including policy changes, educational reforms, and initiatives to promote equal opportunities. As Dr. Mitch suggested, a new tax system could significantly redistribute wealth more equitably. However, it should be part of a broader strategy that includes improving access to education, supporting small businesses, and ensuring a fairer political system where every citizen’s voice is heard.


The Rising Tide and the Sinking Boats

The argument often presented is that a “rising tide lifts all boats.” However, as the article and Dr. Mitch’s book suggest this is not the case in the current scenario. While the economy has grown, the wealth of the middle and lower classes hasn’t kept pace with that of the top 1%.


The Need for a New Tax System

Dr. Mitch’s book advocates for a new tax system to address this wealth disparity. The current tax system disproportionately benefits the wealthy with its loopholes and favorable treatments for certain forms of income. A more progressive tax system could help redistribute wealth more evenly and provide more resources for public services and infrastructure, which are crucial for the economic advancement of the middle and lower classes.


Possible Solutions

  1. Closing Loopholes: Closing tax loopholes that disproportionately benefit the wealthy is crucial. This includes, without limitation, addressing offshore tax havens and capital gains taxes.
  2. Encouraging Middle-Class Investments: As the article suggests, encouraging the middle class to invest in real estate and stocks can help them grow their wealth over time. Financial education and access to investment tools are key to achieving this.
  3. Investing in Public Services: Increased tax revenue from the wealthy could be used to invest in public services like education, healthcare, and infrastructure, which are essential for leveling the playing field.
  4. Progressive Taxation: Implementing a more progressive tax system, where everyone pays 2% of their net wealth in taxes and substantial limitation on tax-free gifts and inheritances, would help redistribute wealth…


A Taxing Solution

The extreme concentration of wealth in the hands of the top 1% in the United States is a problem that needs urgent attention. The current tax system plays a significant role in perpetuating this inequality. As Dr. Mitch argues in his book, a reformed tax system and policies promoting economic opportunities for all are essential for addressing this disparity. Only then can the United States move towards a more equitable and prosperous society for everyone. Get his book, read it, or listen to it, and join the tax fairness revolution.


The IRS New Tax Rule and its Impact on Irrevocable Trusts

In the past, the IRS allowed a basis upgrade for assets within an irrevocable trust. However, the landscape has shifted with the introduction of Rev. Rul. 2023-2. Now, unless these assets are part of the original owner’s (or “grantor’s”) taxable estate, the basis remains unchanged. To qualify for the basis upgrade, the assets of the irrevocable trust need to be part of the taxable estate when the grantor passes away. This change is significant from an income tax perspective.  When assets are includable in a decedent’s estate and are then sold, there is no capital gain realized and no income tax due on the sale of the asset because of the rule that “steps up” the basis of an asset when transferred upon death.  For income tax purposes the price of acquiring the asset is factiously increase to the value of the asset at the time of death. An asset purchased for $5,000 may have appreciated to $50,000 in value.  If sold by the owner, the owner would have to pay taxes on a $45,000 capital gain.  But if sold by the owner’s child following the owner’s death, the capital gain would disappear and not income tax would be due.

The $12.92 million individual gift and estate tax exclusion in effect in 2023 ($25.84 million for couples) ensures that only a fraction of estates in the U.S. are subject to any gift and estate tax at all. Before Rev. Rul. 2023-2, upon sale of the asset the irrevocable trust beneficiaries could benefit from a stepped-up basis for income tax (capital gains tax) purposes.  Now income tax will become due on the sale of the asset calculated in accordance with the decedent’s basis for tax purposes.    

In 2021, out of 6,158 estates that filed estate tax returns, only 2,584 (or 42%) had to pay estate and gift tax. Many more deaths occurred, but no returns were required to be filed.  In 2026, without further legislation, the gift and estate tax exclusion will revert to the exemption amount set in 2017 of an inflation-adjusted $5 million.

So, why opt for an irrevocable trust? One common motive is to exclude assets from personal ownership to become eligible for Medicaid’s nursing home assistance. For instance, a parent might transfer a $500,000 property into the trust, making them suitable for Medicaid. By counting this property in their taxable estate, they can bequeath it to their offspring tax-free using up only $500,000 of their unified gift and estate tax exemption. By the time the asset is transferred to heirs it might be worth twice that. 


Irrevocable Trusts: A Comprehensive Overview

The world of estate planning and asset protection is intricate, with various instruments designed to serve diverse financial and personal needs. The irrevocable trust stands out among these instruments’ unique features and benefits. Here, we will delve into irrevocable trusts’ nuances, purpose, structure, and implications.


Understanding Trusts: The Basics

At its core, a trust is a legal arrangement where one party, the grantor, transfers assets to another party, the trustee, to manage on behalf of a third party, the beneficiary. Trusts can be classified broadly into two categories: revocable and irrevocable. While the grantor can alter or revoke the former, the latter remains essentially unchangeable once established.


The Distinct Nature of the Irrevocable Trust

As the name suggests, an irrevocable trust cannot be modified or terminated without the beneficiary’s permission. This permanent nature is not just a stringent rule but serves specific, strategic purposes:

  • Asset Protection: Assets held within the trust are generally shielded from creditors and potential legal judgments, providing financial security.
  • Tax Implications: Transferring appreciating assets into an irrevocable trust can minimize estate taxes, as these assets are no longer considered part of the grantor’s taxable estate. But the law counts all gifts, even transfers to an irrevocable trust against the gift and estate tax exclusion amount.
  • Medicaid Considerations: By placing assets into an irrevocable trust, individuals may preserve their eligibility for Medicaid, which could be essential for long-term care planning.


Types of Irrevocable Trusts

There are several variants of irrevocable trusts, each designed to address specific financial objectives:


Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs):

Life Insurance Trusts, often called Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs), serve as dedicated vessels to hold life insurance policies. The primary motivation behind establishing an ILIT is to remove the life insurance policy from the grantor’s taxable estate, ensuring that beneficiaries receive the entirety of the policy’s payout without estate tax reductions.

When a policyholder passes away, the insurance proceeds can be substantial, often pushing the overall value of their estate to an amount that could be subjected to significant estate taxes. However, by placing the policy within an ILIT, these proceeds are no longer directly associated with the grantor’s estate. It’s worth noting that there’s a three-year look-back period: if the grantor dies within three years of transferring their existing policy into the ILIT, the proceeds may still be considered part of the taxable estate.

Beyond estate tax benefits, ILITs also offer a degree of control to policyholders. Through the trust document, they can specify how, when, and under which circumstances the insurance proceeds should be distributed to beneficiaries. This allows for a structured and systematic approach to wealth distribution.


Charitable Trusts:

At the intersection of philanthropy and financial planning lies Charitable Trusts. These trusts are meticulously designed to achieve dual objectives: furthering philanthropic goals and optimizing tax efficiencies for the grantor.

There are two primary types of Charitable Trusts: Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and Charitable Lead Trusts (CLTs).

  • Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) allow the grantor to place assets into the trust, which then pays a percentage of its value annually to the grantor or other designated beneficiaries. Upon the trust’s termination (often after the grantor’s passing or after a specified number of years), the remaining assets go to the chosen charity. The upfront benefit for the grantor is a charitable income tax deduction based on the estimated present value of the eventual gift to the charity.
  • Charitable Lead Trusts (CLTs) work somewhat inversely. After assets are placed into the trust, a percentage of their value is paid to the designated charity for a specified period. Once this period concludes, the remaining assets are transferred to the grantor’s heirs or other beneficiaries. This setup offers gift tax or estate tax benefits based on the present value of the annuity payments to the charity.

Both trust structures allow the grantor to make significant charitable contributions while realizing tax benefits and ensuring wealth distribution per their wishes.


Bypass Trusts (Credit Shelter Trusts):

Bypass Trusts, more commonly known as Credit Shelter Trusts, are a strategic instrument employed primarily by married couples to maximize their estate tax exemptions. This type of trust capitalizes on the federal estate tax exemption by creating a shelter for assets up to the exemption limit, ensuring they aren’t subjected to estate taxes upon the second spouse’s death.

Here’s how it typically works: Upon the first spouse’s death, assets up to the federal exemption limit are placed into the Bypass Trust. These assets, plus any appreciation, are then free from federal estate taxes, even upon the second spouse’s death. The surviving spouse can often receive income from this trust during his or her lifetime, but the principal remains protected for beneficiaries, such as their children.

Essentially, the Bypass Trust ensures that both spouses fully utilize their federal estate tax exemptions, potentially saving substantial sums for their heirs. As tax laws and exemptions frequently evolve, it’s imperative for couples to regularly review their estate plans and stay abreast of changes that could impact their financial strategies.


Establishing an Irrevocable Trust

The process of setting up an irrevocable trust is methodical and demands meticulous attention:

  1. Goal Definition: Clearly outline the reasons for creating the trust, be it for tax benefits, asset protection, or another objective.
  2. Trustee Selection: The trustee’s role is pivotal. Hence, appointing an individual or institution with proven integrity and competence is crucial.
  3. Trust Document Drafting: This legal document will dictate the terms of the trust. Due to the permanence of irrevocable trusts, engaging with an experienced attorney is recommended.
  4. Asset Transfer: Once assets are transferred to the trust, the grantor relinquishes control, underscoring the trust’s irrevocable nature.


Jurisdictional Variances

It’s imperative to recognize that trust laws can vary significantly by state. Ideally, legal professionals specializing in trust and estate planning should thoroughly research and understand local regulations, tax implications, and legal nuances.

The irrevocable trust is a sophisticated financial tool, offering a blend of asset protection, tax benefits, and long-term planning potential. While it’s not suitable for every individual or circumstance, it can be an invaluable component of a comprehensive estate plan for those with specific financial goals and the willingness to forgo certain controls. As with all legal and financial instruments, thorough consultation and due diligence are essential before proceeding.


Navigating the New IRS Landscape on Irrevocable Trusts

The dynamic realm of estate planning has witnessed yet another significant shift with the introduction of the IRS’s Rev. Rul. 2023-2. This ruling, that specifically impacts the step-up basis for assets held in irrevocable trusts, underpins the evolving complexity of financial planning in today’s changing regulatory environment.

Irrevocable trusts, which have historically been a linchpin for many financial strategies, are designed to offer various benefits ranging from estate tax optimization to qualifying for Medicaid nursing home assistance. However, the recent IRS ruling has modified how assets within these trusts are treated, particularly concerning their step-up in basis. As a refresher, the step-up provides beneficiaries an adjusted basis in the inherited asset that mirrors its fair market value at the time of the grantor’s death, often allowing for significant tax savings when the asset is later sold.

With Rev. Rul. 2023-2, for assets within an irrevocable trust to qualify for this benefit, they must now be included in the grantor’s taxable estate at the time of their passing. This necessitates reevaluating estate planning strategies, as many assets previously placed into such trusts with the anticipation of receiving the step-up benefit may now fall outside its purview unless appropriately accounted for.

However, it’s essential to contextualize this ruling within the broader landscape of estate taxation. The estate tax exclusion thresholds set for 2023 are pegged at $12.92 million and $25.84 million for married couples. Consequently, even with the inclusion of irrevocable trust assets in a grantor’s taxable estate, most estates will remain unaffected by the federal estate tax. Historical data from 2021 fortifies this perspective, as only 42% of estates that filed for estate tax returns were liable for the tax. Thus, while the ruling may initially appear challenging, its impact could be tempered by the existing estate tax structure for many American families.

Yet, the ephemeral nature of tax regulations necessitates caution. The anticipated rollback of the estate tax exemption to its 2017 figure of $5 million (adjusted for inflation) in 2026 is a looming concern. Should this reduction materialize, more estates may grapple with tax implications, warranting further strategic adaptations.

Lastly, it’s worth acknowledging the diverse reasons individuals establish irrevocable trusts. Beyond mere tax benefits, these trusts serve broader objectives. Whether a parent aiming to qualify for Medicaid while ensuring their home transitions smoothly to their children or philanthropists wanting to ensure their legacy benefits their heirs and charitable causes, irrevocable trusts will remain vital tools in the estate planning toolkit.

In closing, while the IRS’s new ruling on irrevocable trusts undeniably introduces fresh intricacies into estate planning, it also reinforces the importance of adaptability and forward-thinking. Individuals and estate planners must remain agile, consistently reassessing their strategies in response to the ever-shifting regulatory tapestry. Irrevocable trusts, despite the complexities introduced by Rev. Rul. 2023-2, continue to offer a blend of advantages, solidifying their position as foundational elements in financial planning.

Interestingly, adoption of the Fair Tax System specified in my book, A Taxing Problem.  The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System ( would eliminate any income tax benefits of the irrevocable trust.

Generational Wealth

Generational Wealth ‘Curse’ Is Causing 90% of Families To Run Out of Money — How To Beat the Odds

Generational wealth, often envisaged as a blessing, has been paradoxically termed as the ‘curse’ due to the startling statistic that up to 90% of families deplete their inherited wealth by the third generation. This phenomenon, known as “shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations” hints at the potential pitfalls accompanying inherited wealth. So, what propels this rapid dissipation, and how can families position themselves differently?


Understanding the Generational Wealth ‘Curse’

Firstly, understanding the crux of this ‘curse’ necessitates a multi-faceted approach. It’s not just about money mismanagement but involves a gamut of factors:

Loss of Wealth Appreciation:

Wealth appreciation is not merely about the increase in the monetary value of assets but also about understanding and respecting the source of that wealth. The journey to amassing fortune often starts with an initial generation dedicating life to building, innovating, and overcoming numerous obstacles. That generation witnesses the value of every dollar earned, risk taken, and sacrifice made. Its relationship with money is forged in the crucible of effort and persistence.

The next generation, although beneficiaries of this hard-earned wealth, have a more distant relationship with it. While its grown up observing the dedication of the previous generation, it may not have been a direct part of the struggle. This observational understanding sometimes leads to a conservative approach to wealth. They respect the fortune, often focusing on preserving rather than multiplying it, sometimes lacking the entrepreneurial fire or willingness to take financial risks.

By the time we the third generation is reached, the wealth’s origin story might sound like a distant tale from a bygone era. The emotional connection and firsthand experience with the wealth’s origins have waned, making it easier for it to be taken granted. This detachment, coupled with potential indulgences afforded by the cushion of wealth, often leads to less informed financial decisions, culminating in possible mismanagement.


Lack of Financial Literacy:

Financial literacy, the ability to understand and effectively use various financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting, and investing, is crucial for preserving and growing wealth. Unfortunately, even though one generation excels at it, the next may not grasp these concepts. Financial literacy is like language; it can be recovered if spoken and taught regularly.

Imagine inheriting a vast, complex machine you cannot operate. The chances of mishandling or damaging it are high without the manual or knowledge. This is akin to inheriting substantial wealth without the skills to manage it. Generations inheriting wealth without these skills are at a significant disadvantage, often leading to uninformed decisions, missed opportunities, or falling prey to financial scams.

For wealth to be sustained, each generation must be educated about financial principles, market dynamics, and investment strategies, ensuring they are not just passive beneficiaries but active stewards of the legacy.


Family Conflicts:

Wealth, in its essence, is a magnifier. It can amplify comforts, opportunities, and, sadly, also disputes. While money itself is neutral, our relationship with it, especially within the complex dynamics of a family, is anything but straightforward. A significant fortune can sow seeds of mistrust, envy, and competition among family members, especially if there’s ambiguity about its distribution or management.

When discussing inheritance distribution or the succession of a family-owned business, we’re not merely discussing assets; we’re delving into emotions, perceived self-worth, and legacies. These underlying emotions can erupt into full-blown conflicts without a clear roadmap, open communication channels, or a shared vision.

Disagreements can spiral into legal confrontations, with family members pitted against each other, causing emotional rifts and draining the wealth being fought over. Besides the immediate financial implications, such disputes can tarnish family reputations, disrupt businesses, and sever familial bonds for generations. Proactive communication, legal safeguards, and sometimes mediation or counseling become essential to navigating these treacherous waters.


Generational Wealth and Taxing the Rich

The topic of generational wealth and the taxation of the wealthy can be deeply divisive and intricate, touching on issues of economics, societal equity, and public policy. Here, we’ll explore what generational wealth means, why it’s controversial, and how the debate about taxing the affluent is tied into these discussions.


Generational Wealth

Definition: Generational wealth refers to the assets passed down from generation to generation. This can include money, property, businesses, stocks, and other assets. Families with significant generational wealth have the means and structures—trusts, businesses, and investments—that can perpetuate and even grow this wealth over decades or even centuries.

Implications: Such wealth provides immense advantages to beneficiaries. Beyond financial comfort, it often translates into better educational opportunities, access to influential networks, and a cushion against financial downturns. While these benefits are undeniably positive for those who receive them, they also contribute to systemic inequalities. Over time, families with generational wealth can accumulate assets and power, often at a rate that outpaces other segments of the population.


Taxing the Wealth

In his book, “A Taxing Problem. The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System”, Dr. Mitch explores the following issues in greater depth, answering all the arguments pro and con that have been presented to him over the years.  For more information about the book and to access how it can be acquired in various formats, go to


The Argument for:

  1. Redistribution of Wealth: In progressive tax systems, the wealthy pay progressively more than others.  But, the question becomes, more of what.  Traditionally the answer has been a higher percentage of their income in taxes. But it has become abundantly clear that the income tax code provides so many loopholes that it has ceased becoming sufficiently progressive.  In fact, understanding that income earned from labor is also taxed with social security taxes, disability taxes, and unemployment taxes which cease to be charged against incomes that exceed a certain amount, as of this writing about $160,000 of income from labor, those who earn incomes above that amount wind up paying a lower percentage of their income overall as compared to those that earn less.  By taxing the rich more heavily, governments can raise significant revenue, which can then be used to fund social programs, public infrastructure, and other initiatives that benefit the wider population.
  2. Diminishing Marginal Utility of Money: An extra thousand dollars means much more to someone living in poverty than to a millionaire. By taxing the wealthy at higher rates, governments can use those funds in ways that produce a greater overall societal benefit.
  3. Combatting Wealth Accumulation: Over time, significant wealth can lead to disproportionate power in the hands of a few. Progressive taxation checks against the unchecked accumulation of wealth and power.

Generational wealth and the taxation debate are intertwined. Critics of generational wealth view progressive taxation as a tool to level the playing field, ensuring that everyone has a fair shot at success regardless of their family background.

The discussion around generational wealth and taxing the rich concerns more than just numbers on a ledger. It reflects societal values, beliefs about economic growth, and views on equity and justice. Like many complex issues, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, understanding the nuances and implications of each side can lead to more informed policy decisions and a more equitable future for all.  For a deeper discussion and analysis, get and read or download and listen to , “A Taxing Problem. The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System”,


Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Preserve Generational Wealth

If you have generational wealth to pass on, here are some suggested strategies to do so successfully. Overcoming the generational wealth curse requires both financial strategy and fostering a legacy mindset. Here are strategies to consider:


Financial Education:

While the adage claims money can’t buy happiness, understanding it can pave the way to a more secure and informed future. The cornerstone of generational wealth preservation begins with financial education. While only some family members might be cut out for the intricacies of hedge funds or derivatives, the basics of finance are essential. Savings, the miracle of compound interest, understanding debt, and the basics of investment should be as familiar as family tales. Consider introducing structured financial courses or workshops as part of growing up, ensuring that younger members do so with knowledge and confidence when they inherit or manage wealth.


Open Communication:

Money, for many families, remains a taboo topic. But in families aiming to sustain wealth across generations, open dialogues about money are not just beneficial; they’re crucial. Regular family meetings provide platforms for discussing the family’s financial health, aspirations, and potential pitfalls. Such transparent environments deter secrecy and potential misunderstandings, ensuring everyone is on the same financial page and working collaboratively.


Professional Guidance:

No matter how well-versed family members are, the financial landscape is ever evolving. Enlisting professionals—financial advisors, tax specialists, or estate planners—provides an external, unbiased perspective. These experts can offer insights on burgeoning investment opportunities, tax-saving methods, and strategies to safeguard the family’s wealth from unforeseen circumstances. Should the fair tax system ever be enacted, the need for tax-savings methods advice will disappear.



The financial world is rife with tales of fortunes made—and lost—on singular bets. To navigate the unpredictability of markets and industries, diversification is key. Splitting family wealth across various asset classes, geographies, and sectors ensures that even if one segment faces a downturn, others could offer stability or growth.


Instilling Work Ethics:

Wealth, when handed on a silver platter, can lead to complacency. Encouraging those in the younger generation to earn their stripes through entrepreneurship, internships, or traditional jobs instills a sense of value for money. This real-world experience can foster a deeper respect for the family fortune and the diligence it took to accumulate.


Clear Succession Planning:

Many family empires have seen their downfall due to ambiguous or non-existent succession plans. If the family’s assets are tied to a business, delineating clear lines of succession is paramount. It’s about naming successors and ensuring they’re groomed, mentored, and truly equipped to steer the ship when the time comes.



Wealth comes with the power to effect change. Philanthropic ventures, be it through charities, foundations, or community service, offer a dual advantage. They provide family members with a humbling perspective and ensure that a portion of the family’s resources aid societal progression. It reinforces the idea that with great wealth comes great responsibility.


Establishing Trusts:

Trusts are more than just legal entities. They’re a shield, ensuring the family’s assets are managed and distributed per the family’s vision. Whether protecting assets from potential creditors or ensuring they are used judiciously, trusts can play an instrumental role in long-term wealth preservation.


Review and Adapt:

In the financial realm, stagnation can lead to regression. With changing global economies, emerging technologies, and fluctuating markets, it’s vital to reassess the family’s financial strategies continually. Regular reviews ensure the family isn’t merely reacting to global shifts but proactively planning for them.


Documenting Family History:

Stories hold power. Documenting the family saga’s challenges, triumphs, and lessons serves dual purposes. It offers a tangible connection to the past, ensuring younger generations understand and respect their legacy. Moreover, these chronicles underscore the values, ethics, and principles that guided the family’s journey, serving as a blueprint for future custodians of the family fortune.



The generational wealth ‘curse’ is more of a cautionary tale than an inescapable fate. It underscores the importance of amassing wealth and preserving and nurturing it responsibly. Families can sidestep the traditional third-generation pitfall by acknowledging potential pitfalls, actively educating family members, and implementing robust financial strategies. It’s about forging a legacy that stands the test of time, ensuring that wealth serves not just as a material inheritance but as a beacon guiding future generations toward responsible stewardship and prosperity.

Wealth Capping: Rethinking Billionaire Fortunes and Economic Justice

The widening chasm between the mega-rich and the rest of society is an increasingly polarizing issue. In the wake of escalating wealth concentration in the hands of a few, a question of profound significance emerges: Is there such a thing as too much wealth? If so, should there be a cap on the wealth one can accumulate?

Now, let’s set the stage by recognizing many billionaires’ significant contributions. Their innovative spirits have driven technological breakthroughs, improved lives, and spurred economic growth. Their philanthropic ventures have transformed education, healthcare, and other sectors of society. They’ve shown that when appropriately managed, wealth can create an immensely positive impact.

However, we must also confront the harsh reality. The concentration of excessive wealth in a few hands can have harmful effects on our social fabric.  In an era where billionaires can amass more wealth than the GDP of some nations, it’s crucial to interrogate the implications and explore alternatives.

In the quest for economic equity, the concept of wealth capping is gaining attention. The idea is to limit an individual’s wealth, then redistribute the surplus to society. This transfer from private wealth to public wealth could solve the issue of wealth disparity. It could fund public services, boost social security, reduce public debt, and create more opportunities for the masses. But how can this shift be enacted? The answer lies in reforming our tax systems.

Progressive Taxation

The principle of progressive taxation dictates that those with more wealth should bear a greater tax burden. However, in many ways, tax systems often favor the ultra-wealthy many ways, e.g. through loopholes, tax havens, and preferential rates for capital gains. This imbalance must be addressed.

Implementing a wealth tax on ultra-high-net-worth individuals is one potential solution. This tax could take a small percentage of a billionaire’s wealth each year, thereby gradually reducing wealth concentration while generating public revenue.

A wealth tax would help level out the tax playing field.  But, bringing it about is not without challenges. Wealth tax opponents often cite concerns about liquidity, tax evasion, capital flight, and potentially discouraging entrepreneurship. Nevertheless, these hurdles are not insurmountable.

Closing Tax Loopholes

Another approach lies in closing tax loopholes. Billionaires often exploit legal loopholes to reduce their tax burden, further exacerbating wealth inequality. Closing tax loopholes has long been touted as a viable solution to address wealth inequality. Billionaires and many affluent individuals routinely exploit these gaps in tax regulation to minimize their tax obligations.

The intricate nature of tax codes in many countries creates opportunities for savvy individuals and corporations to identify and take advantage of provisions that average taxpayers cannot understand or employ. By utilizing these legal yet arguably unfair strategies, the wealthy can significantly reduce their tax liabilities, thereby retaining more wealth and contributing to the continued expansion of wealth inequality.

This underscores the urgent need for governments to revamp and simplify tax codes. Complex tax laws are more susceptible to exploitation simply due to their nature. Governments can proactively streamline tax codes, making them more straightforward available for tax avoidance. This doesn’t imply that taxes should be simplified to the point of being overly simplistic, but that they should be structured so that the average citizen can comprehend them while still accounting for the varying complexities of different income levels and sources.

Eliminating tax loopholes is a vital component of this strategy. This requires thorough audits of existing tax laws, identification of often exploited provisions, and decisive action to close these gaps. Such a move would help to ensure that billionaires pay closer to their fair share of taxes and establish a fairer and more equitable taxation system. A transparent and straightforward tax system would reduce the scope for manipulation, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their wealth, are taxed equitably according to their means.

Moral Balance and Responsibility

But beyond taxation, billionaires themselves can play an essential role in wealth redistribution. Philanthropy, if performed strategically and transparently, can help alleviate societal issues. Billionaires should be encouraged to engage in ‘giving while living,’ a philanthropic approach where donors actively participate in charitable efforts during their lifetimes.

Moreover, the corporate world must also play its part in wealth redistribution. Companies should be incentivized to adopt more equitable pay structures, rewarding all employees fairly and ensuring corporate profits benefit everyone, not just those in the top echelons.

However, wealth capping is not just a financial matter; it’s fundamentally a moral one. It raises questions about the kind of society we aspire to live in. Do we want a society where the few luxuriate in excessive wealth while many struggle to make ends meet? Or do we strive for a society where wealth is more evenly distributed, opportunities are abundant, and economic justice prevails?

The truth is, there is no definitive answer to how much wealth is ‘too much.’ However, there is a growing consensus that today’s extreme wealth concentration is not conducive to a fair and just society. As we strive for a more equitable world, we must explore bold, innovative solutions, from wealth capping and taxes to philanthropic commitments and corporate responsibility.

But as we embark on this journey, it’s critical to tread carefully. Striking a balance between fostering entrepreneurship, rewarding success, and ensuring economic justice is complex. We must avoid creating a system that discourages innovation and ambition. After all, these are the forces that drive progress in our society. It’s not about vilifying wealth but ensuring wealth doesn’t consolidate power or perpetuate inequality.

As we delve deeper into this debate, we should draw upon history.

The Great Compression

During the early 20th century, the U.S. adopted a progressive income tax system to curb wealth concentration and fund public services. This era, known as the Great Compression, was characterized by a considerable reduction in income inequality and robust economic growth.

“Great Compression” refers to a dramatic narrowing of income inequality in the United States during the 1940s. This period marked a significant shift in the country’s economic landscape, driven by the transformative impacts of World War II and the policies implemented during the Roosevelt administration.

Before the Great Compression, income distribution in the United States was highly skewed, with a small percentage of the population controlling a substantial portion of the country’s wealth and enjoying enormous income. However, the 1940s saw an unprecedented equalization of incomes. One of the driving forces behind this trend was the widespread mobilization of the economy during World War II, which led to full employment and boosted wages for low-income workers.

In addition, progressive tax policies introduced under the Roosevelt administration played a crucial role in reshaping the nation’s income distribution. The government raised taxes on high incomes, including a top marginal tax rate that exceeded 90% at its peak. These measures were part of broader New Deal policies aimed at redressing economic imbalances and creating a more equitable society.

The aftermath of the Great Compression saw the emergence of a thriving middle class in the United States, contributing to a period of remarkable social and economic stability. Higher wages and lower income inequality increased consumer spending, driving robust economic growth in the post-war era. This period, often called the “Golden Age of Capitalism,” was characterized by high economic growth, low unemployment, and a notable reduction in poverty.

Nevertheless, the effects of the Great Compression began to reverse from the 1970s onwards, with income inequality gradually increasing again due to various factors such as tax policy changes, globalization, and shifts in labor market conditions. This reversal underscores the complex interplay of economic, political, and social factors in shaping income distribution patterns.

We might uncover valuable insights for shaping our future by revisiting the past. We should also look beyond our borders for solutions. Several European countries have experimented with wealth taxes, albeit with varying degrees of success. By studying their experiences, we can identify best practices and potential pitfalls, informing our strategies.

What is Fair?

It’s also worth noting that the discussion about wealth capping isn’t solely about economics – it’s also a philosophical and ethical discourse. How do we define ‘fairness’? How much inequality is ‘too much’? These are profound questions that demand thoughtful, inclusive conversations.

While the prospect of capping wealth and implementing comprehensive tax reforms may seem daunting, let’s remember real change often requires bold action. And when the stakes are high – as they are in the fight against wealth inequality – bold action is not just desirable; it’s necessary.

Economic Justice

In the end, the quest for economic justice is a shared responsibility. Policymakers, corporations, billionaires, and citizens alike must contribute to this cause. We can build a future where wealth serves the public good rather than driving disparity by fostering open dialogue, exploring innovative solutions, and striving for fairness and equity.

So, should a cap exist on how much wealth one can accumulate? Perhaps the more pertinent question is: how can we ensure that wealth – in whatever amounts it exists – benefits not just the individual but society at large?

Answering this question is more than just a matter of economics. It’s a testament to our values, sense of justice, and shared vision for the future. In the grand tapestry of human progress, the thread could guide us towards a more equitable and just society where wealth is not a symbol of excess but a tool for collective upliftment.

We must rethink our relationship with wealth and recalibrate our economic systems. This is not a call to demonize billionaires or to stifle ambition. Instead, it’s a rallying cry for economic justice, for a world where opportunity isn’t hoarded but shared, where prosperity is not a privilege but a common good.

This is an issue that had consumed Doctor Mitch for years.  After study, discussion with all types of people with all sorts of backgrounds, and research he arrived at this proposed fair tax system which he details in his innovative and wholly original work, A Taxing Problem. The Psychologist’s Prescription for a Just Tax System.  Doctor Mitch welcomes all serious thoughts about the ideas presented in his book, and invites contact through email or any of his websites.

Bear in mind that it’s not wealth itself that’s the issue; it’s the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. The solution isn’t to curb ambition but to ensure that the fruits of progress are savored by all, not just a select few. In this grand endeavor, let’s dare to envision a future where wealth not only speaks of personal success but echoes the triumph of a society that values fairness, justice, and shared prosperity. Together, let’s dare to make this vision a reality.